
Sibel Adali
Associate Dean of Science for Research and Graduate Studies
Computer Science
Eric Ameres
Sr. Lecturer
Cognitive Science
James Bailey
Assistant Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Kristin Bennett
Associate Director of the IDEA
Mathematical Sciences
Jonas Braasch
Professor and Associate Director for Research, Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC)
Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC)
Curt Breneman
Dean of the School of Science, Professor and Director, Rensselaer Exploratory Center for Cheminformatics Research (RECCR)
School of Science
Selmer Bringsjord
Professor, Lab Director, Graduate-Program Director
Cognitive Science
Christopher Carothers
Professor and Director, Center for Computational Innovations (CCI)
Center for Computational Innovations (CCI)
Tianyi Chen
Assistant Professor
Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering
Jonathan Dordick
Vice President, Strategic Alliances and Translation, Institute Professor, Departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Biological Sciences
Office of Strategic Alliances and Translations
Stanley Dunn
Professor Emeritus
Graduate Education
Keith Fraser
Sr. Lecturer
Biological Sciences
Shekhar Garde
Dean of School of Engineering, Elaine and Jack S. Parker Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering
School of Engineering
Vivek Ghosal
Department Head of Economics and Virginia and Lloyd W. Rittenhouse Professor
Juergen Hahn
Professor and Department Head
Biomedical Engineering
James Hendler
Tetherless World Senior Constellation Professor of Computer, Web and Cognitive Science and Director of the Future of Computing Institute
Institute for Data Exploration and Applications (IDEA)
Jose Holguin-Veras
William H. Hart Chair Professor and Director, Center for Infrastructure, Transportation, and the Environment (CITE)
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Robert Hull
Vice President for Research, Henry Burlage Jr. Professor of Engineering, and Director of Center for Materials, Devices, and Integrated Systems
Office for Research
Jennifer Hurley
Richard Baruch M.D. Career Development Chair & Associate Department Head
Biological Sciences
Radoslav Ivanov
Assistant Professor
Computer Science
Jason Kuruzovich
Associate Professor of Business Analytics
Lally School of Management
Jianjing Lin
Assistant Professor
Liu Liu
Assistant Professor
Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering
Malik Magdon-Ismail
Computer Science
Lydia Manikonda
Assistant Professor
Lally School of Management
Deborah McGuinness
Tetherless World Senior Constellation Chair, Professor of Computer Science, Cognitive Science, and Industrial and Systems Engineering
Computer Science
Marjorie McShane
Cognitive Science
Dorit Nevo
Professor, Management Information Systems; Vice Provost and Dean, Graduate Education
Graduate Education
Shaowu Pan
Assistant Professor
Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering
Santiago Paternain
Assistant Professor
Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering
Jennifer Pazour
Industrial and Systems Engineering
T. Ravichandran
Irene and Robert Bozzone '55 Distinguished Chair, Professor of Information Systems, Associate Dean for Research, and Director of the Center for Supply Networks and Analytics
Lally School of Management
Rick Relyea
Professor and David M. Darrin '40 Senior Endowed Chair; Director of the Darrin Fresh Water Institute and The Jefferson Project (2014-2022)
Biological Sciences
Trevor Rhone
Assistant Professor
Physics, Applied Physics & Astronomy
Karyn Rogers
Associate Professor and Director, Rensselaer Astrobiology Research and Education Center (RARE)
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Johnson Samuel
Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering
Donald Schwendeman
Professor, Director, Center for Modeling, Optimization and Computational Analysis (MOCA)
Mathematical Sciences
Patricia Search
Director, Center for Global Communication+Design and Professor
Communication and Media
Oshani Seneviratne
Assistant Professor
Computer Science
Mei Si
Associate Professor, Cognitive Science & Graduate Program Director for Critical Game Design
Cognitive Science
Susan Smith
Sr. Lecturer
Cognitive Science
Bolek Szymanski
Claire & Roland Schmitt Distinguished Prof. of Computer Science and Director, Network Science and Technology Center (NeST)
Computer Science
Tomek Strzalkowski
Cognitive Science
Deepak Vashishth
Yamada Corporation Professor and RPI Co-Director, Center for Engineering and Precision Medicine (CEPM)
Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies
William Wallace
Professor Emeritus
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Yinan Wang
Assistant Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Lirong Xia
Associate Professor
Computer Science
Bulent Yener
Associate Director, IDEA. Director, Data Science Research Center
Computer Science
Mohammed Zaki
Professor and CS Department Head
Computer Science