IDEA Cluster Details

The IDEA Cluster is a high performance computing environment consisting of five Intel Xeon and two AMD compute servers in various configurations ranging from 24-40 cores (48-80), 256GB-1TB RAM, and up to four GPUs per machine (Tesla K40m or Titan RTX). The IDEA Cluster includes two dedicated storage servers totaling more than 40TB of usuable space. The IDEA Cluster is designed for dedicated data mining, machine learning, and neural computing-intensive jobs using popular toolkits.

RPIrates: Michael Liu on "The Cohoes Floating Solar Explorer" (05 Oct 2022)

Michael Liu takes us on a tour of the Floating Solar Explorer, an interactive, GIS-based R Shiny web app that visualizes water reservoirs alongside economic data and political boundaries. Along with the website itself, the presentation explores certain aspects of the data generation process using R and provide an introduction to R Shiny.

Rensselaer To Advance Blockchain Tech With $360k Grant

Posted August 30, 2022
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Oshani Seneviratne, director of health data research at the Institute for Data Exploration and Applications (IDEA), and Lirong Xia, associate professor of computer science, have been awarded $363,343 from the Algorand Foundation. The award is part of an $8 million grant to fund blockchain research through a project led by Vassilis Zikas, associate professor of computer science and security researcher at Purdue University.

Spring 2022: Information Session and Workshop for IBM/RPI Call for Proposals

Join us via Webex on Wednesday, July 13, from 1 pm – 3 pm Eastern for an Information Session and Workshop concerning the Request for Joint Rensselaer/IBM Research Proposals. This RFP is part of the AI Research Center (AIRC) - a collaborative research initiative between RPI and IBM to drive world class innovation and fundamental advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning for the benefit of society.  The full RFP is available via the IDEA Intranet (with RPI authentication) here.