Tom Morgan

Dr. Morgan has spent over forty years doing what is now called data analytics, much of it on big data sets in remote sensing and image analysis. He has conducted data acquisition, processing and analysis research for a variety of public and private organizations in oil and gas exploration, medical imaging, non-destructive testing and radio astronomy.


The Rensselaer Health Informatics Challenges in Technology Education (INCITE) Pipeline recruits and prepares students at Rensselaer and worldwide to be data scientists in healthcare using early data analytics courses and experiential research projects centered on real-world health challenges. With the advent of electronic healthcare records (EHR) and precision medicine, healthcare increasingly relies on health informatics (HI), the philosophy and tools of data science (DS) and their application in healthcare. Rensselaer Health INCITE is a innovative, replicable program that directly expands the health informatics workforce pipeline at the early undergraduate level for students at RPI and worldwide.


This project addresses the challenge of agent driven smart contracts on the blockchain with semantics, advances in machine learning, and state of the art in multi agent systems research.

Block Coordinate Update Methods In Tensor Optimization

Multi-way (tensor) data arises in many applications such as seismic data interpolation, hyperspectral imaging, higher order web link analysis, face recognition, EEG and fMRI data analysis, and so on. To explore the intrinsic structure of the multi-way data, people treat the data in higher-order format instead of simply reshaping it into a vector, and formulate the problems to tensor optimization problems. In this talk, I will utilize the idea of "divide and conquer" and give different forms of block coordinate descent methods to solve these problems.

Reproducible Data Science in the Cloud

Despite the many amazing applications of statistics, machine learning, and visualization in industry, many attempts at doing "data science" are anything but scientific. Specifically, data science processes often lack reproducibility, a key tenet of science in general and a precursor to having true collaboration in a scientific (or engineering) community.

YouTube’s Role in the Online Information Ecosystem: Radicalizer or Moderator

YouTube is consistently one of the most popular linked-to destinations across online platforms, has been blamed for promoting radicalization pathways through its recommendations, and has been used by foreign entities for political manipulation. While recent work has started to investigate YouTube’s role in these issues, open questions remain about YouTube’s ideological distribution, efficacy of its moderation, and its role in propagating disinformation.

Networked Communication, Activism, and Social Change: The Rise of Networked Counterpublics

The proliferation of social media has given rise to widespread study and speculation about the impact of digital technologies on politics, activism, and social change. Key among these debates is the role social media play in shaping the contemporary public sphere, and by proxy, democracy in the US and around the world. Maligned by some as “slacktivism,” I will argue social computing platforms such as Twitter create unique opportunities for traditionally excluded voices to challenge the terms of public debate.

Identifying Malicious Actors in Online Platforms

There are now thousands of online social and commercial platforms available on the web. Yet, many of these face specific challenges causes by malicious actors such as trolls on Slashdot and Twitter, bots on Twitter, vandals on Wikipedia, sockpuppets in online discussion forums, and review fraud on e-commerce sites. In this talk, I will quickly provide some examples of the challenges caused by such malicious actors and then focus on two specific case studies.