Eat4Genes: A Bioinformatic Rational Gene Targeting App to Address Pathologies using Healthy Diet
The Floating Solar Explorer
Risky Business? Deep Dives into DeFi
Quantum Computing Users Group Monthly Meeting
WHAT: Quantum Computing Users Group Monthly Meeting
LEADER: Tom Morgan, Senior Research Scientist
WHEN: Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 4 pm - 5 pm
Victor Robles Sanchez
"The Thacher Computing Instrument: The Supercomputer of the 19th Century?" RPIrates Computing History Talk (Weds, 8 Jan, AE217)
Quantum Computing Users Group Monthly Meeting
WHAT: Quantum Computing Users Group Monthly Meeting
LEADER: Tom Morgan, Senior Research Scientist
WHEN: Wednesday, November 13, 2024, noon - 1 pm
RSVP: Tom Morgan,
"Linux Shell Expansion for R Dummies" RPIrates Monthly Meeting (Weds, 30 Oct, 6p, AE217)
The Quantum Computing Users’ Group
Welcome to The Quantum Computing Users’ Group! We are a new and growing community --- over 50 email subscribers! --- of students, faculty and staff at Rensselaer and local alumni who gather virtually and in person to support each other’s use of the IBM Quantum One platform. Group members have the option of accessing the quantum computer via the FOCI cluster ( In monthly meetings we explore topics of interest, share our "feats of strength," and of course "air grievances!"